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May 8

Creating Customer Loyalty



No matter what industry you are in, you likely have competition that is actively encouraging your customers to take their business elsewhere.  It can be a balancing act to try and keep existing customers happy while also attracting new customers. Doing both things well is often the key to running a successful business. Consider using these 3 strategies to help attract new customers and keep existing customers loyal.

  • Offer loyal buyers something exclusive – tap in to the mind of your customers. What would entice them to be loyal to your brand? Consider a special event, earlier/later hours, partner discounts, special product bundles, community donations, etc.
  • Make them feel - Yes, business is serious. Yes, you have to strive to deliver great quality at a fair price. But when you can get your customers to feel something, it can be a game changer—especially on social media. Whether you tweet a daily joke or a post about how your business made someone’s day, if you can find ways to get customers to make an emotional connection with your posts, you’re likely taking steps toward becoming part of their lifestyle.
  • Create community - While giving back to every charity in your area may be unrealistic, it can be advantageous to select a few visible ways to reach out and do some good. Whether you collect donations for children's holiday presents or sponsor animals at a local shelter, finding ways to help your customers identify with your company may pay off in loyalty.

Whatever strategies you use to engage with customers, remember that loyalty is about much more than a punch card or an interactive app, though those can be great tools. Loyalty is about making customers feel like they're part of the family, like they’re invested in your success. If your customers want to see you succeed, they’ll often help to make sure it happens.

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